Course Description:
This course is primarily aimed to develop students’ speaking as well as writing skills in a lively and interactive classroom atmosphere through communicative activities including pair-work, group work, role-playing and games. In this course students will acquire advanced level skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Turkish Language.
While building a strong foundation of 4 skills of Turkish language (reading, writing, listening and speaking), students are also encouraged to choose their own themes and topics and develop their own projects with the expectation that they involve oral communication/speaking with one another. The projects will be evaluated based on the virtues of these four categories.
This course holistically allows students to broaden their cultural horizons by learning about Turkish language and culture. This course expands the foundation they have built in previous courses in Turkish to be able to reflect on the historical value of the language and literature and compare it to its modern-day application.
Instructor prepares a printed booklet, which will be followed throughout the semester. Additional articles, news clippings and Turkish podcasts will also be assigned in order to expose the students to modern applications of the language in a real-world context.
Intermediate Turkish II is a pre-requisite for this course. Students with a background in Turkish can take the Placement Exam to waive the pre-requisite.
Minoring in Turkish:
Students can choose Turkish as their minor. Students who want to minor in Turkish must take 4 Turkish language courses (14-16 credits). In addition, they must also take EITHER
- Two 300 level Turkish language courses (6 credits), OR
- 013:201: Crossroads: Classical Literatures of Africa, the Middle East and South Asia (3 credits), and either 013:203 Language and Society (3 credits), or 013:221 Introduction to the Literatures of the Middle East (3 credits)
To learn more about minoring Turkish, visit our Minors page.