Laurence Jay-Rayon Ibrahim Aibo

Certified Translator and Interpreter, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Title: "The Politics of Translating Sound Motifs in African Fiction"

Alessandra Williams

Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University
Title: Horidraa: Golden Healing: Black Lives Matter Movements in the Indian Dance Practice of Ananya Dance Theatre

Kathryn Batchelor

University College, London, UK
Title: Translating Africa for China

Brent Hayes Edwards

Department of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University

Souleymane Bachir Diagne

University Professor and Director of Institute of African Studies, Columbia University
Title: Keynote Address: Translatio studiorum and Africa

Simon Gikandi

Department of English, Princeton University
Title: This Thing that is Called Africa: Translation and the Work of the “Untutored” Intellectuals

Beryl Goldberg

Photojournalist, New York
Title: Burkina-Faso Portraits: Three Families From 1972 to the Present

Kiasha Naidoo

Centre for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape
Title: The Analogy of Contagion in Race and Neoliberalism: A Tale from South Africa

Salam Al Kuntar

Department of Classics, Rutgers University
Title: The Displacement of Artifacts from the Middle East and North Africa: Past and Present

Tarik Lagnaoui

French Department, Rutgers University
Title: Souleymane Bachir Diagne's Reflections on the Implications of Translation on Philosophy and Religion in Northwestern Africa

Wunpini Fatimata Mohammed

College of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Georgia
Title: Mediated Translations: Theorizing African Languages and Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Msia Clark

Department of African Studies, Howard University
Title: Hashtags and Feminism: African Women and Activism in Social Media Spaces

Madhuri Mukherjee

Department of Languages and Cultures, William Paterson University

Tariro Ndoro

Poet and Storyteller, Zimbabwe
Title: Disobedient Poetics: The Making of Agringada: Like a Gringa, Like a Foreigner

Fallou Ngom

Department of Anthropology, Boston University
Title: African Ajami Manuscripts: New Sources of Global and Humanistic Perspectives

Paul Wenzel Geissler

Department of Anthropology, University of Oslo
Title: Covid-19, HIV and the Layers of African epidemy

Keith Phetlhe

Department of African Literature and Film Studies, Ohio University
Title: Decolonization Nightmare?: Revisiting Anthropological and Missionary Colonial Translations of African Literature in Southern Africa

Elena Razlogova

Department of History, Concordia University
Title: The Liberation Politics of Live Translation: African Cinema in Soviet Tashkent-

Ruth Prince

Department of Medical Anthropology, University of Oslo
Title: Covid-19, HIV and the Layers of African epidemy

Segun Afolabi

Faculty of Administration, Laval University
Title: Translation, Education and Publication: The African Perspective

Henry Stoll

Department of Musicology, Harvard University
Title: "Mais li pas en criole": Singing French, Sounding Sovereign

Véronique Tadjo

Writer, Artist and Academic, London and Abidjan
Title: Viruses are our New Enemies: Interpreting the Ebola Epidemic and its Many Narratives

Tamba E. M’bayo

Department of History, West Virginia University
Title: When Public Health and Politics Converge: The Ebola Epidemic and Coronavirus Pandemic in Sierra Leone

Wendell Marsh

African American and African Studies, Rutgers University-Newark
Title: Translating the Life of an African Muslim-Scholar Saint

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